Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Reducing your Grocery Bill

When I set myself on this journey this summer to save 10k by the end of this year, I knew that a big part of that would be reducing my Grocery Bill.  And using my stockpile versus going to the grocery store would be key way for me to meet this goal.  At the start of this blog my fridge was seriously overflowing, and I checked today and its now like halfway full which means I've been doing a good job of using my stockpile whoppeee!!!!!


For those of you who don't know what a stockpile is its basically a stash of stuff.  As a couponer, one of the key ways to save is to not only cut your current shopping trip bill but your future ones as well.  That's why when I find a rock bottom price deal on something I know I'll need and keeping in mind expiration dates, I'll buy more than what I need on my trip.  Perfect example in late spring this year Chicken Breasts were on sale for $1.50 a pound at Pathmark, which is acutally the lowest price I'd ever seen so I bought over 15 lbs.  I immediately cut them up into smaller proportions for recipes and put them in freezer. Normally when Chicken Breasts go on Sale, I only buy about 2 months worth because that's the typical sales cycle I've noticed in my neighborhood.  When you start keeping track of your grocery sales you'll also start to notice how often things go on sale and stockpile accordingly. This time because $1.50 was the lowest price I ever saw, I bought even more.  And I'm super glad I did because all summer as food prices have risen, sales on meat have been super scarce.  And if I'd had run out of my stockpile, I'd have to buy Chicken Breast at a much higher price.

Maximize your Freezer.  It's on already so why not fill it up.  I do this especially with meats.  All summer you've probably noticed a lot of my meals have been coming from my freezer.  Since I don't cook for many people, every time I buy veggies or things I can't finish before expiration, I take a portion and put it in freezer. Not only are you reducing your food waste but a lot of times freezing veggies helps preserve its nutrients and you also reduce your trips to the grocery store. I do this a lot for Milk, Yogurt, Spreads, Cheese, Celery, Bell Peppers, Bananas, Strawberries, Blueberries, you get the idea.

For more drastic savings : BUY THE SALE.   I stockpile foods that are near freebies that I normally wouldn't buy.  I don't recommend doing this if you are not an extreme couponer or if you don't think you can make the commitment.  I don't mind because I like cooking and the challenge of making new recipes and I'm not a super picky eater.  This can obviously save you a lot of money because everything will be a near freebie thereby making the cost of your meal go down a lot.  It also saves you money because the more expensive meal and ingredients you would have bought is now being replaced.  On the plus side because of this strategy I've discovered Tuna, Sardines, Chilli and Vegetable Pasta.  All things I'd never eaten before couponing that I got for free.


I love all meat, I really do..Korean BBQ, Beef Stir Fry, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Steaks, YUMMO! But the reality is a healthy proportion size of meat for a meal is about the size of a deck of cards.  I know before couponing, I ate way too much meat and it does effect your health, the environment and your wallet.  Meat is typically the most expensive portion of your food bill.  And if you cut down on meat and add in more veggies it will lower the calories and your food bill.

If you hate veggies and just can't give up the savory taste of meat, then sneak some beans in your meals.  Black beans go great with beef dishes and Chickpeas with Chicken.

If you don't want to tamper with your recipes, just devote one meal a week to being Meat Free and you will notice a difference in your food bill.  People survived the Great Depression on Rice and Beans everyday.. if they were fortunate.  I think of it as my one meal; no meat fasting.  It allows me to reflect and appreciate the higher quality of life that I have compared to others in poverty torn countries.

If you just can't cut down on meat, buy cheaper cuts of meat and tenderize it in a Crockpot.  The best time to look for deals is around Thanksgiving. Or switch to Chicken like I did.

Personally the easiest thing to do is embrace BEANS.

Frugal Tip: Buy the dry beans because 1lb expands to a lot! Dry beans cost typically 75% less than the canned ones.  But beware storing too long because the beans don't go bad but insects love these.  Also, beware when they do go on sale and make sure that there are good by looking inside bag to make sure no white specs exist you do not want to know what they are.  So when I get a bag, I cook it all and just freeze it in small portions for when I need them in recipes.  Okay foodies might not agree with this for certain recipes but since I stir fry or use these in soups, it doesn't effect my recipe.

What I do is devote at least 1 day a month to full out cooking and chores.  Some people will call it batch cooking but I''m not that hardcore.  It is a really great idea though to have at least a couple of meals ready in your freezer for those days you just don't feel like cooking so that you avoid wasting money on takeout.

So here's what I do:
They day before I'll soak all the beans overnight in tap water plus salt.
On the day of, after rinsing beans just throw it in stock pot. And let it cook for a couple hours.  If your making soup keep the liquid for stock. While the beans are cooking on the stove top, I'll be making other meals.  And at the end of all my cooking, I make baggies in appropriate serving sizes for everything I've made.

When I'm super lazy or just don't plan on being home, I'll put it in Crockpot.


I put this suggestion last because it is probably the hardest but best thing you can do for your health.  Realistically this will be the hardest because if you don't truly want to commit to a healthier lifestyle you'll never do it.  Since this blog is more about saving money, I'll just say if you look at what you spend on Soda, Chips, Cookies, Cakes since their all expensive name brand companies you'll notice you spend a lot.  I've almost never gotten a near freebie on these products. There is a reason why Pepsi, Coke and Kraft are considered great stocks to hold in recession because many Americans no matter how broke they are .. are not giving these products up.

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