Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Today's society, its more acceptable to be a beggar than a frugal person

FALLING OUT OF THE MIDDLE CLASS: A Statistical Look At The People Who Have Lost The Most

Reduce your own living standards. The net effect of falling incomes for many people is a lower standard of living, which can be characterized in many ways: More work, more stress, less money, less free time, less stuff, and falling satisfaction. But a lower standard of living doesn't need to be disastrous, and many people make the mistake of clinging to every gizmo, convenience, and club membership they've ever enjoyed, as if entitled to such things in perpetuity. Better to get rid of unneeded appurtenances on your own, while you have some choice about how to spend your money.
A lot of people have found that simpler living is a luxury in itself, especially if it eases the anxiety that comes with paying dozens of bills each month or being in debt. A lot of things that technically represent a "lower standard of living"--an older car, a smaller house, fewer restaurant meals--don't really change our lifestyles all that much. Forcing yourself to adjust to minor changes before it's absolutely necessary enhances self-sufficiency and makes cutbacks easier to swallow when there's no choice. But if you do it on your own, you might just avoid the squeeze altogether.

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