Friday, August 5, 2011

More Free Blockbuster Express Codes

Gotta thank "TheKrazycouponladies" for these new rental codes from Blockbuster Express good for 5 FREE rentals valid through August 8th!


On a friends recommendation (who btw is now hooked on these free Blockbuster codes )

The Adjustment Bureau is actually a good movie. I was really surprised, it tries to sort be a light version of Inception but really turns out to be a kind of an idealistic love story.

And for the inner Calli girl in me, I loved Blue Crush 2.  Yes, its corny.  Yes, the acting is mostly lame.  But its a great surf movie, amazing shots and I love the feminism and nice pro-minority spin in the movie.  Its the first time, I've ever seen an African American surfer ever. Gosh it reminded me of my own youthful summers surfing and just being a free spirit. It also reminded me of an On The Road movie adaptation taking place in Africa. 


  1. How do blockbuster codes work?

  2. Click on my blockbuster express link, then put in your zip code to see the nearby Express Kiosks you have by you.

    If you have one conveniently by you then sign up with one of your spam emails even. Then you can just browse your kiosk directly for movies they have and add to your cart. When you check out you will put in one of the codes and if your code is good it will make your total rental cost "zero". Then you enter your Credit Card info and click submit. And by 9pm you have to pick up your rental at the kiosk in person. You slide your Credit Card at kiosk and it will know what you submitted rental for, wait a min and it will pop out of machine.
