Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ACTIVISM via Couponing

Sometimes, I just want to ignore the news.  It just makes me mad, more job losses and economic suffering for the middle and lower classes and in the Yahoo article I read, it even suggested we spend more to boost the economy to HELP corporations.  Which is absolute garbage, because they've been in record breaking earnings levels for the last decade.  Its not us hard working folks that need to spend more, its the Corporations that need to accept lower profit levels and some corporate social responsibility.  As if when your making hundreds of millions of dollars, spending a couple million more to give employees jobs and health insurance is really killing your business.  But that's the level of greed and power they have in today's society.  And the media helps perpetuate this kind of thinking.  I hope people actually wake up and start realizing that we need to push back.

I hope the wake up call is a passive one... we all know what happened in London of all places recently.  Who knew the civilized Brits could at like that.  It was really tragic..

Couponing is great not only for your own wallet but it withholds some money from corporations.  The fact that I can get so many things for such a low price or free legally and regularly just shows how ridiculous price levels are.  Maybe its the inner idealist activist that still resides from my youth but to me its like "sticking it to the man" in this case the Corporation.  Its a way for me to say "you don't control me by making me spend money on things at your suggested retail price." And by saving and living frugally, you escape that cycle of materialism that seems to dominate modern culture these days.  When you really look at your life and reflect, how much of the money you make grueling at work is spent supporting things you actually enjoy, want and need VERSUS what a million dollar ad campaigns have cleverly placed in your mind.

Personally, my couponing experience really helped to disassociate myself from materialism.  The experience of getting things for such rock bottom prices makes me really value of a dollar. If I can get a brand name toothpaste for just sales tax, why would I want to pay more for another item on a higher scale.  The habit of maximizing your savings and pursuing each shopping trip at your local drug store conditions your brain to be effective with you money.  The light bulb moment is when you realize you don't need to spend a lot of money to lead a quality life.

Don't you think if we all were just a little more thoughtful with our spending this country could possible avoid the next another credit crisis and the cycle of Boom and Bust we seem to have every couple years?  Like the predicted bust with the Student Loan Bubble people are talking about now?

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