Sunday, January 20, 2013

Healthy Freegan Lunch Hummus and Organic French Bread

Remember all the fancy organic breads and hummus I got from my last Freegan Haul?  Well, because of it and my already existing stockpile, I haven't needed to go grocery shopping in the past 2 weeks! It's so relaxing, because instead of planning my food menu around my budget.  I've actually just planned it based on my hauls and fridge since most of the food I find is food I really would normally buy.  Granted I haven't bought Hummus in ages because its so expensive but the point is I eat what I pick up.

I froze all the organic bread I didn't plan on eating within 2 days.  When I was ready to eat, I just wrapped in wet paper towel and zapped in microwave to heat up.

The Hummus as well, but this batch was from the one I left in lower fridge.  As you can see it had a layer of sealed wrapping on top and is as yummy as it looks.

All I had to do after microwaving the bread was spread on the Hummus and magically I had a super healthy and quick lunch.  Best part FREE!!!!!!  I was so lazy, I could have added some raw carrots to dip on the side but I was too lazy to chop and peel.  And with a quick estimate, I know I have enough bread and Hummus for at least another 10 easy meals like this. That is all going to my savings, just think how much you would save if you had 10 free meals!

For now while I have these tubs of Hummus to go through, Hummus will be apart of my low cost recipes.  But for those of you in NYC here's a tip, occasionally Cheap Jacks will get Whole Food cast offs and thats when I usually find Hummus for around $.99-$1.29  and they always have some assortment of $1.29 bread like things so this could be apart of your low cost meal regime.

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