Thursday, March 8, 2012

Operation Declutter: I am in SWEATER Clutter HELL

I have literally spent days on just sweaters alone.  I am in HELL right now, organizing my sweaters.  This is payback for years of not organizing and storing my clothes properly.  My sweaters are all over the place, so just when I think I'm done gathering.. I find more.  Which means more to wash and an even longer wait to dry.
This experience, really has opened my eyes to my own personal chaos.  Even  the gathering stage is taking forever because I NEVER properly organized my clothes.  So this time, I'm going to see it through and its going to be so organized so I'll know where all my sweaters are. 

I am never buying another silk or wool sweater ever again! Seriously wool sweaters are a pain in the ** to wash.  You have to be super careful not to shrink them and you can't even dry them in machine. On top of the fact that they are super attracted to dust and lint and moths!  And you can't even hang them in a closet because you don't want the shape to be stretched out.

Agghh, I've been drying these wool sweaters since the weekend.  You have to be extra careful before storing sweaters they have to be 100% dry or your gonna have mildew issue.  I'm so desperate for space my treadmill is now a sweater storage area.

Organizing sweaters is so difficult because you really have to consider fabrics.  Why would you store silk blends which don't attract lint at all with wool sweaters? So far I've only decided that all my WOOL sweaters will go all together in a Large Space Bag, my cashmere's in another.  Hopefully, they will all fit.  And I don't have to worry about extras.

LESSON : ORGANIZE your Wardrobe properly.  If I'd know along the way that I had this many sweaters, I would never have bought more and let the clutter get so out of control.  Also, I've noticed I buy the same sweaters over and over again.

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