Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cake Mix Extender Recipe with Whole Wheat Flour

I was really excited about the 5 lb White Whole Wheat Flour I recently got a Cheap Jacks for $1.29.  Since I didn't have any stockpiled apple sauce or bananas on hand, I decided to use the long forgotten Christmas Cake Mixes I got from Target for like less than $.25 on super clearance. 

 What is a cake mix extender?? It's a frugal way to make more cake from the already store bought mix version, it really doesn't compromise the taste either.  If you normally just bake loafs and breads... you probably don't have more expensive CAKE Flour on hand.  The Cake Mix version does have a lighter flour so your cake comes out fluffier.  I do it also because I want to cut down on the sugar and oil. I was trying to find a Cake Mix Extender recipe online with whole wheat but couldn't find any!!! So I just conservatively took a guess and crossed my fingers.

So here is my Cake Mix Extender Recipe. 

1/2 Cup White Whole Wheat Flour
1/2 Cup All Purpose Flour
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
3/4 Teaspoon Baking Powder
1/8 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Water

Basically you lightly mix the dry ingredients. Then add Vanilla Extract and 1/2 cup of water.  Then follow the box instructions and add the rest of the ingredients on the box.

I actually instead of water used coffee.  But it was only lightly flavored because I just re-ran water through my coffee maker and the mornings used grounds. And I'm really trying to cut my sugar intake so I put very little sugar and it came out great!

I bake mine in mini-loaf tins, so my baking time is less.  I actually over baked mine but it still came out great.  It was slightly crusty on the outside but super super soft inside. Yummo, I can feel a little less guilty about eating this since its got some Whole Wheat Flour in it and for the same fat content of the box recipe I got 25% more cake.

With the whole wheat flour the texture becomes more grainy, but it was still super fluffy and light!!
I think next time, I'm going to not add any additional sugar.

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