Thursday, July 28, 2011

doesn't the pic from Groupon say it all ?? the best part is its nationwide, just make sure if your store participates by putting in your zip code and finding your store.  if your store says GROUPON then your golden.  :)

I totally got it because it works at the 34th ST store; which is perfect for those days when you happen to be shopping or watching a movie near by and you get hungry.  Typically, in NYC even if you try for the cheapest restaurant you end up paying at least 12 bux for the cheapest thing on the menu.  So $6 bux for two sandwiches thats awesome! A) bc you and your companion can eat for $6 bux total, no tipping just a full stomach B) you can keep the extra sandwich for next days lunch or dinner C) you can keep this groupon for a day you forgot to bring lunch or are too lazi to cook

I would totally hurry and if you havn't ever bought anything at Groupon before you can use my referral link

PSS.  to get your moneys worth, totally would use the opportunity to stock up on condiments and utensils; i'll talk more on that later

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