Friday, September 16, 2011

My Journey So Far

I'm not going to say that sometimes this journey can't be difficult especially when everyone around me is spending money like water like its constantly going to flow.. But if it weren't for that; I'd say doing this is actually not as hard as I'd thought it would be.  Sure there have been days where'd I go shopping with friends and literally itch to start charging like a mad woman especially when I do finally have some money stashed but..maybe its the more mature me but I've learned to stop and control myself.  I think it has to do with the fact I everyday I do this I keep in mind how fortunate I am and what my real long term goals are and it just helps me stop my self destructive behavior with money.  The way I've managed it.. surprisingly my quality of life has not diminished but my Expenses sure have!!

After reading today about  I really encourage everyone to at least KNOW where there money is.. It's so easy to just want to bury your head in the sand these days when it comes to money but knowing makes you acknowledge whats going on and gives you the foundation to build a plan of attack.  Most books will call it creating your own personal balance sheet of Assets and Liabilities like in investing.  When you look at a companies balance sheet and analyze what it can do better and whether or not you see potential enough for you to want to invest.

I'm not saying go extreme like me, but if you keep track of your every expense for a month, you'll start to see where your wasting your money and maybe maybe do something about it.  Start out small like saving $5 a week and put it aside somewhere you won't reach for easily and watch it grow.  And as your saving habits get  easier, you can do a little more and more..

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