Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mid September Results

I'm happy with my numbers total $140.24 spent but as I said in my last couple posts, my frozen food stockpile is almost running out. I know I've been kinda lazy with my food posts, but I acutally eat pretty healthy so buying veggies later on will increase my totals up. Right now its still good because my green thumb co-worker has bringing cucumbers, peppers and tomato's and I still have a little basil growing along with my hycinyth beans.  Kinda annoyed with myself about the fact that my Cig's cost me about 4 times my food.  It's been so hard to quit with my job being so freaking stressful, but the two cartons will help me not buy any for a while.  I'm kinda surprised at my numbers though because I went out a lot this period went to the movies twice, ate out 3 times and shopped a lot.  But the trick is Groupon and Living Social if you use it right, literally makes these days out supper cheap.  I even had coupons for free chicken mcnuggets :)

I really didn't have much free time to work on my side money side because I was pretty dead tired from work.  Okay, here's the deal if your lucky and can work overtime do so.  It's important to remember that while getting freebies and great savings is great for reducing the money you spend and thereby increasing the amount of cash in your wallet ...your time has value too.  The beauty about saving money, is its not like they tax you on it like additional income. And if you have the free time do it, but don't go spending $10 on gas to get only one free tooth paste.  I personally would if I had an unlimited Metrocard to burn because well I just hate the MTA.  If your a former shopaholic like me and couponing helps you save money and calm your shopaholic tendencies then yeah go for it.  I also turn it to a mini-work out.  Normally, I would have spent my weekends mostly over sleeping and vegetating, obviously walking and couponing is a much better way to spend my time. It was also much easier to coupon at my last job because my time was worth barely much when you compared what I got paid an hour for.  So for each individual how extreme you go is really dependent on your personal situation.  Either way, I will say that this is getting much easier for me to do.  I think the key is that if you are changing your habits it will take time to develop new habits and get used to it.
For me extreme was the way to go, but if you have a different personality try a little every month and keep adding to it.

Goal for next pay period: Keep my food costs down, Bring my Money Makers up, Find good short term investment
Total Amount to Send to Allied Bank: $ 1338.76
Total Saved so Far: $ 4231.72
7 more Paychecks to Go!

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