Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hello Magic Jack, Good Bye Verizon

I used to spend about $28 month which comes out to $332 a year on a basic land line phone connection with Verizon.  The most frustrating part of looking at my bill every month was seeing how little calls I actually made and 75% of my bill was just taxes and weirder taxes.  The most annoying part is Telemarketers!! even being on the DO NOT CALL list, your current companies would call and try to sell you stuff. For my lifestyle it totally didn't make sense to keep my landline especially since my internet service didn't require a landline.  But I didn't want to give up the occasionally long comforting conversations I'd have with friends and family. 

So that's where Magic Jack comes in!! I will give you fair warning, I am so so not a techie and  my more techie pals will say go with Vonage etc.  But to me, Magic Jack is like a simple mp3 player you just plug in and use it.  The first time you use it, you have to spend maybe 5 minutes registering it and that's it. From there you can keep the Magic Jack plugged in whenever you want your phone to be ready to receive calls.  If you're energy conscious like me, I only plug it in when I'm going to use it.   I plug it in my USB port, click on icon and give it a minute to load then dial or wait for incoming calls.

What I love about it is when I'm not plugged in, Voice mails just go to my email address and I can play the file from my computer if I'm too lazy to plug in my Magic Jack.  And I just give out my new magic phone number for any applications that require my phone number.  I hate wasting my cell minutes on telemarketers.

Lets talk cost this baby seriously saves me some money.  Firstly, the regular retail price is $40 and comes with the first year of service free.  After that you pay $20 A YEAR!!!!!!  I got mine on Amazon for about $32, I could have bought it on Ebay for probably cheaper but I didn't want to use any of my actual money.  So I got it on Amazon and paid with the Swagbucks Amazon Gift Card Earnings.  Basically, Magic Jack is the easiest $332 saved ever!

Note: I've read reviews about reception etc, but for me it works great. My quality of life has not changed one bit from eliminating my Verizon Bill.  Bonus is my peace of mind in having one less monthly bill to pay on time.  If you have a friend who has it, ask them to borrow it so you can test it without buying it.


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