Saturday, July 27, 2013

Epic Weekend food rescue

Above was from large group dive.
And below was from a much smaller group.  It was pretty epic because I got tons of SUSHI not pictured, sandwiches and salads and... a huge bag of my favorite cookies!  And also not pictured was huge super cold cooked meat ! I had to give away stuff to make room for it.  But I literally got a huge bag full of premium sausages!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Stir fried veggies Kale stems, Green Beans, Asparagus, Celery and Eggplant

So here's a freegan tip, when taking home veggies that are loose, try to use it as soon as possible. For the most part my produce rescued comes in sealed packages.  But what I've noticed about one of my spots is they have become more spiteful of freegans.  And they will literally cut open packages and take salads out of their containers to discourage people from rescuing the food.  At least in most cases they toss it all in one huge bag so sometimes because I just can't stand the thought of not rescuing these veggies all in great condition I take home loose veggies. Like in this case the celery and Kale stems.  I'll clean and then blanche them to be extra careful.  And then stir fry them in oil and garlic.  

It's just a quick way to cook everything and preserve the nutrients as much as possible.  Plus, I'm a rice fanatic so it goes great with that.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Freegan Italian Pasta Salad Cooked

So so Yummi and this meal was entirely free. I had some basil from the garden, and the ready made pasta (with sun dried tomatos, feta cheese and spinach) along with cherry tomatoes and chicken from recent freegan food rescues.

This box of pasta alone would have cost $6.49 from the high end grocery store we rescued it from.

And here's the chicken I froze separated from the deluxe salads I rescued.

And I'm so bummed I didn't rescue more but literally there were two huge bags full of cherry tomato's I had to leave behind.

Basically all I did was cut these up and stir fry everything, took about 10 minutes max. And that's one free lunch right there.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Kale, Baby Potatoes and Kimchi over Rice

This has to be one of the most yummiest and healthiest meals ever and its vegetarian.  Best part is with the exception of the rice, the whole meal was free!

I'd gotten a bunch of Kale Salads from one of my favorite spots but I couldn't eat it all so I decided to stir fry them and Kale tastes super yummi stir fried I discovered.  I also added some of the baby potatoes I got from an earlier freegan haul and kimchi and everything just blended perfectly.