Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Less than 3 months to Christmas

It just hit me... man September is almost over which means inevitably .. THE HOLIDAYS are coming!  As a kid, I loved them because it would mean parties and presents.  But now as an adult, I know better it means entertaining, lots of meaningless social gestures of ridiculous gifts and BILLS.  Don't get me wrong, I do love the Holidays... mostly the free stuff: like wrapping gifts, listening to Holiday music, baking with my younger relatives, eating, cooking and gathering..... I just wish it would be less superficial.

If hadn't been so lazy, all year long I should have been stockpiling gifts.  Buying thoughtful things when I catch them on sale versus the ridiculous Holiday Rush.  Well I'm going to start planning again.  This year like last year, I think I'm going to do a lot of homemade or gift basket like things.  I was a little pissed last year by how the NYC teenagers I had to buy for reacted to my gifts.  Like seriously its a recession and their expecting a $50-$100 gesture in gifts from me!! They all have IPhones and I have a prepaid phone, like seriously messed up.  Whatever, this year the teens are getting the least thought from me that's for sure.

I'm thinking SWAGBUCKS for them.  So that means I better get on it.  I love Swagbucks because I love getting the Amazon eGift Cards. It's by far the best deal for your points too. There's just so much stuff you can get on Amazon and I can stack my eGift Cards which is just lovely.  But the catch is redeeming typically takes a week, so once you get enough points you want to get the redemption right away.  On average, with not much time devotion I average two $5 gift cards a month.

My other option is Physical Gift Cards.  Personally, I've always felt them to be cold.  But with all my Teen Recipients and their parents.. I think their so shallow that'd they'd be happier to see the dollar equivalent of how much I spent on their children.  So I might go with Gift Cards and hold off on redeeming my Amazon Cards for a while.

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