Monday, December 31, 2012

Target Post Christmas Clearance

Gosh, people must have been really thrifty in my neighborhood this year because when I got to my Target expecting all the Clearance to be still there, a lot of it was gone!!! And it was only at 70% off, I was waiting for it to go to 90% but I don't think its gonna happen this year.  I was hoping to get the Nordiac Bakeware everyone was seeing for 70%, but there was only a mini Pie set left at my store.  
Anyways this year Target is being pretty sneaky, I found the best stuff hidden out of the Clearance section hiding among normal stuff.  Like the Dukin Donuts holiday Coffee, I had to do a price scan to see it was 70% off, so I picked up each bag for $2.51!!!!! Mines also had all the holiday tissues marked down but you would only know by scanning it the UP and UP brand was down to $.50!
My favorite find of the day was not holiday related at all, it was the Peach Nectar I found on clearance for only $.26 and the Goya Beans for $.16!!!
I'm really glad, I stocked up big time in the past because this years Christmas Clearance was pretty disappointing otherwise. But again it varies by store, so you should check your area.  My store did have tons of chocolates, a lot of it you still could use for Valentines day!

Because my Haul was pretty heavy, I didn't get to check out other stores like Marshalls and Century 21, even Pathmark does Christmas clearance! But for those of you who don't have much of a stock pile, this is the best time of the year to load up on Christmas stuff (especially gift sets you can repackage and baking clearance)!

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