Thursday, January 3, 2013

Money Saving Tips : Employee Perks

Maximize your Employee Perks

Aside from Health, Transit, and Legal benefits that many companies provide there a lot of little perks you may not be aware of that can really help keep more of your hard money in your pocket. It varies for each company but here are some to be aware of.

Company Pantry.  Buying Coffee and Milk at home even, on average can easily cost you $10 a month.  So it was a real perk that my work place has unlimited high quality Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Tea and Creamer. I also fill my Water bottle with their filtered water.  If you want to be extreme depending on your companies security you can even take some home gradually so you don’t even have to pay for your weekend fix.  Obviously, I wouldn’t do it if it could cost you your job for theft.

Bathroom.  If you pay for your utilities like water, going to the bathroom at work versus at home can help you save on electricity, water and toilet paper expenses.  I started going AM, MID day and just before I leave for home and you will notice especially that you need to refill your toilet paper a lot less.  And If you work at a pretty posh, office the bathroom can be a source of unlimited paper towels.  Mines, still hasn’t upgraded to the rolling dispenser instead it has the individual hand paper towels that are so easy to just grab a bunch and take home.

Cafeteria/ Kitchen.  It can be can be a great source for free utensils and condiments.  The best part is I use the Freezer to store my Batch Cooking meals!

Conferences/Parties/ Meetings.  If you work for a particularly wasteful company, you will find that after big conferences where they feed guests, there’s always yummy left overs. Same goes for parties and events like Bagel Fridays or occasional Pizza for stressful days.  I always make sure I have empty Tupperware for those events so I can take home what is left over and it literally will save you the cost of your next meal.

Meal Perks.  Some companies will give you money for meals when you work Overtime.  When that happens, instead of spending it on a Lobster dinner, I skip on appetizers and drinks, and just go for buying as many items that I can covert to multiple meals.  For example, instead of buying Sushi, I’d go for cheaper Thai or Chinese meals and try to order things like meat dishes.  So that ways, I could take it home and stretch the meat by adding veggies to the dish.

Employee Discounts.  Some companies can offer you discounts on everything from clothes to cell phone plans, definitely worth looking into. 

Entertainment.  One of the companies, I worked for when you showed your ID, you got free admission to practically every museum in the city.

Printer.  One of the companies, I worked for had a really relaxed internet and printer policy.  So basically I got to print everything I ever needed via the company printer.  I saved so much money on Printer ink which is quite expensive.  And I mostly printed coupons which helped me save even more!

These are the ones I immediately thought of I’m sure there are lots more depending on where you work.

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