Sunday, February 19, 2012

Operation Declutter: More Dollar Store Finds

I'm seriously loving the dollar store these days they have so much of the organization stuff , I need for way cheaper!!!!!

And as I continued to struggle in decluttering, I've jumped on the Ziplock bandwagon... Gosh I'm so glad I found these at the dollar store for $.99 because Ziplock bags have gotten ridiculously over priced these days. And these are perfect for all the smaller things, I haven't figured out yet how I'm going to organize.

So I'm just grouping right now with these baggies.  These bags are like 2 cents a bag, vs paying 10-15 cent for the name brand ZipLock brand.  It's important to note, I am not using this for food storage.  With all the plastic recalls these days, its important that you want to cautious of plastic and food.  So even though there are a ton of cheap food containers at the dollar store and really cute ones at that, I only would by glass Mason Jars from the dollar store for food storage or my trusted Lock and Lock which is BPA free.

And for my dusting, I thought I'd give the MICROFIBER fad a try.  I saw a bunch of cloths at Target for around $2.99-$3.99 a cloth, which is ridiculous because I remember even seeing same name brand at the dollar store awhile back.  I got alil distracted when I saw something even better, they had Microfiber Gloves and this awesome thing.  I picked this because I wanted to keep as much distance from me and dust as possible.  For $1.29..... I'd say this is another great find.

**I just tried using it and I cleaned some dusty things and I didn't sneeze once even afterwards!!!!!!!!  This is crazy, OMG like I had no idea how amazing Microfiber dust fabric is!! I was seriously worried that I was developing serious adult allergies to dust from my prior days cleaning, I had even starting wearing a scarf while dusting.

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