Thursday, April 10, 2014

Panera Bread work lunches

Lentil Soup in Bread Bowl

So amazing! I was lucky to randomly stumble upon a haul from Panera and it was awesome they put still warm bread in bags just filled with breads and wrapped in parchment paper.  I took a couple and froze them.  This way they wouldn't go stale. And just popped them in microwave to heat up and it worked bread was chewy and crispy!  All my coworkers were so jealous.  I mean their soup in a bowl is super expensive!  And what some people don't know is they sell the bowls individually too.  Either way, I had some freebie gourmet soups I got from an event.  

To make this super easy work lunch, all I did was microwave soup in my glass tupperware bowl so it was hot.  And microwaved the bread for a quick bit till toasty. Then put the soup in the bread bowl!  So easy!

The best was I had some curry soup and left over Kale Salad ( always try to sneak in Kale).. this had people  seriously hungry :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Awesome combo leftover meal KungPao chicken with rice, steamed veggies and quinoa

I just had to take a picture of this cause the meal was so that awesome!  On a dive some bystander left a full chinese take out meal of Kung Pao Chicken and yellow rice with broccoli.  I had a bowl of steam veggies and quinoa from another dive.  So at work I mixed the two, and bam awesome healthier meal was created!  I also added more white rice to stretch the meat further!  So far I've had two full lunches from this and I think I have at least 3 more to go!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Taco Fried Rice

So I've been so busy lately, I just wanted to update on my meals.  I almost never pay for any food food any more except when I go out.  I've pretty much allocated my budget that used to be for groceries for entertainment/ eating out / socializing.  It's truly amazing how much better I eat and to top it off how little I need to cook.  Just because I'm getting all my groceries for free these days, doesn't mean that I don't occasionally cook to spice things up and stretch those meals even further.  

So I had some left over sale hamburger meat in freezer and onions so I added it to my pre made brown rice bean packaged meal from this super high end food place.  Basically they have no meat in theres and the spinach is raw, theres squash, corn, black bean and peppers in their dish. I decided to use up some my my left overs to make this more savory and fatty.  

So I basically stir fried everything to make a brown fried rice.  I added too much salt and there was so much non rice stuff, I decided to stretch the meal further with left over white rice.

Turning my original freegan find into an additional meal.  Or 4 diet sized servings.

Candy Candy Awesome Dive Haul


I just had to take picture all the candies were not expired, wrapped and in super clean separate bags.  We left so much it was such a shame!  I will not be needed to buy breath mint and gum for a long time!

Bitter Melon Tea recipe

 Why I get this bitter tasting veggie? Its known to be great for clearing up impurities, acne, anti tumor and anti cancer and good for suppressing appetites.  

To Prep, just cut off ends. 

Cut length wise.

  Scoop out pulp and seeds in the middle.  And just cut and put in pot of boiling water.

When you done, the liquid is the tea.  And you can do whatever you wish with the bittermelon. Make it to smoothie.  Add to popular pork and bittermelon stir fry.

Warning it is potent stuff so don't have to much and if your prego you can't have it or when you on your period.  It induces abortive effects.

Dollar Veggie bag from Chinese Supermarket

Some potatoes, Zucchinni, 2 bitter melons all for $1
This is why I love chinese supermarkets, the Bitter mellon was especially good deal cause their like $2/lb normally.  I made a huge stir fry dish from zuchhini, Bittermelon tea and added bittermelon to pork dish as a meat filler.  And the potatoes I used for mashed kale potatoes.  So many dishes all for $1.